I must say when I first saw this I thought oh another mug, but then I lost the blurriness, you must understand this was first thing this morning during my time alone, as I looked closer I saw this has a little pocket for tea then my mind started thinking, I can put a hot chocolate packet instead of tea or a instant coffee packet, or sugar packet, splenda packet heck even a packet of good campbell's cup of soup!!!
I want this no I need this, I would put this in my purse and carry it everywhere...
Here is the link to the pouch mug if anyone else is interested in looking at it.|en&u=http://www.catchingfireflies.com/products.php%3Fproduct%3Dthe-pouch-mug&rurl=translate.google.com&client=tmpg&usg=ALkJrhiPyp2x3QOlx85myfzjs4GkvAUNUQ#
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