Wednesday, April 21, 2010

She's Having a Baby!!!

Karisa(mommy to be)

Baby(our first granchild)

Wow so where do I begin, well first of all, Hi to all, I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!! Well we just returned from Ohio, our oldest daughter is due to have our first grandchild and they hospitalized her on Friday with toxemia, so we rush there first thing Saturday and she stayed the weekend in the hospital and now she is home and is suppose to be on bedrest..... (Karisa I hope you are reading this), her other sister is staying with her to help so she can do what she is suppose to do be doing bedrest and so her hubby can continue doing what he does, go to work. What a scare this is, you think everything is going along as planned next thing whammo you get side swiped by the unexpected, everyday is better for our little guy and for her, so please keep us in prayer that she and the baby will remain as healthy as possible.


H.K. said...

I will be praying for a safe delivery and for your daughter to be well! Please keep me updated.

old world sunflower said...

HK thanks so much for keeping our family in prayer, I appreciate this so much, I am anxious to see what you will do with your sorta new blog page, and if and when you get the book let me know maybe we can start baking through the book together and compare notes!! Have a wonderful day! Diana